Thursday, March 21, 2013


I must admit, some of my most favorite toys were the original MEGO "Worlds Greatest Superhero" dolls.  Well, action figures.  I had Superman, Batman, and Robin.  I remember being a little perplexed why they didn't have wieners underneath their clothes.  If that wasn't a sign, I don't know what was!  But they were great, and how I wish I took care of them or held on to them.  Like-new MEGO's go for a pretty penny today.  Of course, I wouldn't be collecting them for the investment value... as it is, I have too many Superhero figures.  But when I found out that Mattel came out with a new line of "Retro-Active" figures done in a similar style, I'm as perplexed that I didn't know about them!!  Drat!!  I have the Green Lantern and Green Arrow ones they did in the 90's (along with Aquaman, Superman, and Batman) that were meant to look like MEGO, and now I'm wondering if the Retro-Active ones are smaller?  I'm guessing I would have to start over if I wanted something close to a JLA.  I swore I would not spend any more money on toys that were going to sit in boxes... but damn, these are cool looking!

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