Thursday, March 21, 2013

1960's Superhero Cartoons!!

I totally on a superhero kick right now... they just announced the theme for SpookyBear Weekend 2013 as "Heroes & Villains" and that is totally right up my alley!  So I've been taking a trip down memory lane (again), catching up on the old Filmation superhero cartoons that predated the 1970's Superfriends programs.  It was not an unusual thing to see Green Lantern solo adventures right along side Superman, Superboy, the Atom, and The Flash.  Of course, we didn't get these shows locally... you had to hope the antenna on the roof would catch those weak signals from channel 5 from NYC.  When we finally got cable, they came up once in a while.  So here is an idea of what I'm talking about... totally goofy, primative, and campy to boot.  Here is my favorite superhero of all time, GREEN LANTERN, in his own solo adventure.  Check out the entire channel of Filmation's cartoons 

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