Saturday, June 22, 2013

Vintage Science Books

While the world is busy falling in love with Superman again (and really, what's not to love about the new Superman??), I am reminded of some of the original books that made me want to fly to the stars myself when I was a kid.  I recently came across some old hardbound and paperback "How & Why Wonder Books" that I used to read all the time when I was in my single digits.  These books made kids like me want to study the sciences. I wonder if kids these days really get to explore the world with something other than a computer game, but I digress.  I love the futuristic take on the illustrations... especially where a lot of these were created well before we actually landed on the moon, or before we ever sent Viking, Pioneer, and Voyager out to get close up pictures of the planets.  I could say it a hundred times, I was definitely a child of the space age, and I suppose I always will be :-)

I have also been collecting vintage Golden Guides recently, which are probably the better known books for their illustrations.  I'll post more about those at a later date.

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