Thursday, July 4, 2013

SpookyBear The Weekend

So a couple things have been going on to slow down my posts on my creative blog.  First, I have been buckling down as any good ex-president would, and have taken the time to catch up on things around the house.  Second, and this is a big one, I had been sinking some time into co-designing and coproducing the next SpookyBear Weekend for the Northeast Ursamen.  The original idea last fall was to do a "Heroes & Villains" party, but that fell away in favor of doing a more sophisticated Alfred Hitchcock theme.  I had actually set down to sketch ideas for the Hitchcock party, but we all soon realized that a Heroes & Villains idea would allow for more creativity and participation from the crowd.  So out went the idea of "Alfred Bearcock" and back in went "Heroes & Villains".  I set out to draw a few designs with the mantra of, "what if they were bears?"  This is my normal take on any creative, bear-themed project.  With a few sketches in hand, Chris (the Events Coordiantor and I set out to recruit the personnel for our shoot.  The star list changed a few times in the interim, but in the end it worked out really, really well.  We sewed lots of costumes for the heroes (and villains too) and held a great photoshoot with stellar bear photographer Tom aka  Meanwhile, I have been working on some custom animation for this project, to be seen in its entirety at Spookybear itself.  Later this summer, I may offer up some "behind the scenes" images, but for now, the end results of the photoshoot leave me feeling very happy.  Please enjoy these, and consider coming to what's arguably the best Halloween Party for Bears and their fans.

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