Saturday, April 6, 2013

Kellogg's PEP Comic Buttons

So I recently dusted off my old 1945  Superman radio show CD's and gave them a listen the other night.  They're delightfully goofy in all the right places, but the one part that sticks out in a rather odd way are the incessant ads for Kellogg's PEP, "that super-delicious cereal", which sponsored the show.  If you listen to the show and don't get the message that there's a free button in every package, then you must be deaf.  I decided to Google PEP and the buttons to see what they looked like.  They're actually kinda cool.  Most have white backgrounds, and they come in two general types.  The first few sets feature military insignia and war planes.  The second group feature pretty much every comic character featured in the press at the time... Superman, Popeye, Little Orphan Annie, and a lot of others that I don't know but probably should.  They're so simple but they make me want to mint my own buttons with my own characters on them!!  In any case, you can bet I'll be scouring the flea markets this spring for these little gems.  "They sure are a honey!"


  1. Didn't take them long to indoctrinate you. You just have to have those PEP buttons, don't you. They sure look smart when they're pinned on your jacket, dress, or cap!
    Yeah, I dust off my Superman radio CD's now and then, and I got my Superman PEP button off eBay. ^_^

  2. I'm afraid I will end up picking up a couple on ebay myself... yes, the commercials were a good sell... I just had to google to see what they look like. They're ingeniously simple... I must admit I'm quite fascinated by them!
