Friday, February 22, 2013

Lonesome Ghosts!!

So a very long time ago, I had one of these Fisher Price hand-held movie viewers.  It was waaaaay cooler than a GAF Viewmaster which could only show one frame at a time.  The movie viewer accepted a cartridge which contained a real, celluloid motion picture.  You aimed it at a light source and cranked it by hand.  The two cartridges I had were cartoons, one of which I do not remember... the other was Disney's "Lonesome Ghosts".  I used to watch this cartoon short over and over again.  I ran it at normal speed, fast, slow, forwards and backwards... I couldn't have been more than 4 years old at the time... and I was already studying how to make pictures move.  The only catch... there was no sound.  So I am sure I've watched it about 100x more without sound than with sound.  As this blog is turning into a creative archive of my work and inspirations, I couldn't not post about this favorite cartoon of mine... I guess the part of me that loves cartoons will never grow up.

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